Equine photographer

So what goes on at an equine photo shoot?

I’d been feeling the need to try something a little different lately, so I thought it was time to break out the “Equine Portrait Studio”, sound impressive? It’s not really, it’s just a tie dyed brownish back drop and some lights, but then I suppose that’s all studios are.

Anyway I also decided to try out a little GoPro camera I’d bought specifically for the purpose of capturing some rather unusual video, I’ll go into that another day, but the camera also allows me to take stills, and more specifically to automatically do it at timed intervals.So I set it up to take a pic every 5 seconds from just after I arrived to finishing, about 2 1/2 hours allowing for a fair bit of tea drinking and chatting that I may have edited out!

A lot of people ask me how I do things, including a lot of students, learning to be a photographer or sometimes new clients wanting to know more about how a shoot works and what goes on. So this is the reason I thought I’d start doing some “behind the scenes” (BTS) footage. Though next time I may just shoot in video mode, and try and produce something a bit more interesting, but this will mean a fair bit of editing to cut a few hours down to a few minutes (things could get very boring otherwise) not to mention my need to brush up on video editing skills.

So here it is, a nearly 3 min video of the 1392 images taken, I’ll put a separate post about the actual images I was shooting of the horses later.

Behind the scenes – Equine shoot from mark beaumont on Vimeo.

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