Equine photographer

Commercial equine

It’s been very exciting to have worked recently with commercial clients both here and abroad.

As you may have read elsewhere in this blog about my working with Spillers new equine feed company, T.E.N. Supplements. This has continued in 2013 with two more photo shoots to accompany new product launches from within the line up. All these shoots have been with owners whose horses have actually been on the particular product that’s being advertised, so It adds a wonderful genuine feel to the adverts. Its also been great to have been allowed a certain amount of freedom to get some slightly different shots and not the usual, highly polished shots we’re used to see. The brief has always been, “keep it real”. The images have then been used for all the adverts in most of the national horse magazines as well as point of sale displays at the larger horse shows throughout the UK. (It’s lovely to see my images blown up big!)

Talking of blown up big, sadly I didn’t get to see this advert in the flesh, it was blown up to billboard size and posted around Budapest. I think I may have been pushing my luck on expenses to have to have gone out there just to take a pic for my portfolio, but here it is in a more manageable size. Apparently its advertising their national race track Kincsem Park, unless anyone who can read and translate Hungarian tells me otherwise.

 Hopefully you all will have heard of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games taking place this year in France, with Alltech as the title sponsors. Alltech wanted to use one of my images for a poster and flyers, and as I have a rapidly increasing stock library of equine images, I was fortunate to have what they wanted.

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